Beyond Demo Day: Y Combinator and the Road Ahead

As we turn the page on an incredible chapter at Y Combinator, we can’t help but look back and reflect over the past few months. The culmination of this journey was the much-anticipated Demo Day, an event where founders pitch their startups to top-tier investors.

The Last Month

One of the coolest experiences was the opportunity to hear directly from past YC founders such as Pinterest, Instacart, and Airbnb founders share their stories and strategies for scaling to billion-dollar valuations. Their journeys underscored a crucial message: with the right blend of vision, focus, and adaptability, extraordinary growth is possible.

Equally transformative were the group office hours. Sitting down with fellow founders in our batch, we had very candid conversations highlighting the highs and lows and the reality that success is far from guaranteed. Yet, it was in these moments that we were reminded to "think big"—to envision a future beyond our original scope and dare to disrupt the status quo.

Demo Day

Demo Day was the moment we had been building up to, a chance to showcase our vision in front of top investors.

But our pitch was just one among many. The stage was shared with incredible companies, each with a vision to solve real-world problems.

Some amazing companies include:

  • Garage, led by co-founders Alaz and Martin, who are revolutionizing the way firefighters buy and sell used equipment—a testament to their dedication, with one co-founder having served as a firefighter himself.

  • Sonauto, spearheaded by Ryan and Hayden, amazed us with their AI music editor that turns prompts, lyrics, or melodies into full songs in any style.

  • Oma Care, founded by Ariana and James Galbraith, is the infrastructure to train and pay the 53M family caregivers in the US.

  • Octolane is competing with Salesforce and will be the next biggest AI-powered CRM. The incredible founders, One and Abdul, are some of the hardest working founders we have met.

  • Maihem is creating AI agents that test AI products, essentially HR for AI. Max and Eduardo are truly onto something and we can’t wait to follow along.

Looking Ahead: The Future of RetailReady

As we bid farewell to YC and step into our next chapter, our focus shifts to completing our seed fundraising and continuing to build something customers want. We're on a mission to revolutionize supply chain compliance with AI-driven compliance solutions. Our journey so far has been enriched by our YC experience, the partnerships we've formed, and the feedback from our early customers.

We're excited about the road ahead—expanding our customer base, continuing to innovate, and welcoming a founding engineer to our team.


Announcing RetailReady’s $3.3M Seed Fundraising


The Eyes in a Warehouse